WARNING: If you don't want to be offended by someone expressing their personal religious beliefs and can not maintain an open mind and open heart and are bent on maintaining a judgemental attitude please stop reading now! This blog is meant as a personal statement of where I see myself religiously and is in no way an attempt to proselytize or change your religious views. THESE ARE MINE ALONE! I think I have quite a range of religious perspectives. I grew up with a pentecostal background and my first church experience was non-denominational. My family then transitioned to Holiness Baptist then Assembly of God. Once I moved away to college I joined the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) movement which most closely aligned with my denominational upbringing. While in College I visited several other denominations: Catholic, Charismatic Non-Denominational, Southern Baptist, Methodist, Orthodox and a whole host of others thrown in. Some of my best friends in grad school were Agnostic...