Sit on the Potty Your Way!
Having children is a disruptive adventure! Parents expect their children to be mini-adults and to automatically know how to behave and do ‘things’. At least that has been my interpretation. I catch myself in that same vein at times and thank goodness I have a way that brings me back to reality and reminds me that this IS their first ‘rodeo’. They haven’t been here over 40 years and are learning the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and often the ‘what’ of appropriate behavior. Three children has been super fun and super exhausting. I applaud anyone who has more than one child. I have found that having more than one has been quite an act in discernment. The blame is always given to someone else and the times a child accepts blame you secretly want to tell them... ‘honey that was not something to be proud of and you should have blamed your sister!’ But instead you cheer their honesty and try to acknowledge that it is great to own your own behavior. To say having a child with special needs is tiring w...