Ahhh Fall

Well it has been a while since I blogged so I need to update...

1. Claudia

She is in such a wonderful age. This past weekend it seems like a switch has been thrown and she is talking up a storm. Real words not just 'jabber'. She can say almost anything you want her to say. She is an amazing little girl. She is getting over her cold really well. No fever for several days and she actually takes her medicine like a big girl thanks to Cherry flavoring. We don't have to force it down her throat. Unfortunately with taking antibiotics she has a wicked diaper rash. It feels so bad to not be able to comfort your child.

2. Summer Garden

Well I have officially come to the end of my first Summer Garden. Some things grew well and others.... One thing I have decided is that as much as I want to be organic south Georgia crops have to have some chemicals. The bugs are unreal and will eat the whole plant if you don't put some high powered stuff on them. I had great success with Squash, Tomatoes, Herbs, Okra, Cucumbers, Cayenne Peppers, and Jalapenos. I had limited success with Swish Chard, Bell Peppers, Banana Peppers, Cantaloupe and Eggplants. I had no success with my watermelon. I think it was just too late in the season when I planted. I have learned that it's a lot easier to grow plants from plants than to plant seeds. None of my plants that were seeds every made it above ground. One thing I have found out is that I love having a small garden. It's a great sense of accomplishment to know you have grown your own plants.

3. Fall Garden

Since the Summer Garden was such fun. I decided to plant a Fall garden. I planted broccoli, cabbage (purple and green), onions (white and purple), kohlrabi, swish chard, and Georgia collards. I transplanted my herbs all to one bed. I added Thyme, Common Sage, and Italian Flat leafed parsley. I am super excited to see how well the fall garden will do. I will have to upload some pictures.

later, jamie


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