
Showing posts from 2012

The Big Reveal

Anticipation is building! All the votes have been cast. The Bus is about to move. The scales are calculating loss. It's the BIG REVEAL!!! How many reality shows have you watched where the finale is a hyped crescendo of energy where some contestant or worthy person or family is receiving some type of award? I watch several and it's always so awesome to see the celebration afterward. Most of the time there has been a back story that over the season or episode has been expounded and explained why this particular person is worthy of such honor. Our hearts are full of joy for the winner and we want to stand and cheer with them and often we the viewers will cry with them when we see their reward and the thankfulness they exhibit. Do you know this is how our lives are too! Our back story may be different from others but we each have stories of disappointment and disaster. When things just didn't go according to our 'life plan'. When due to some reason life seems ...

There She Grows Again

Saturday morning.... ah. Sleeping late feels so good... OMG I was able to sleep late. Where's the patter of little feet at 7-7:30 in the morning. Where's the rustle from the monitor that I know is impending doom of a little girl full of energy ready to rouse her mother and I from bed on this weekend morning when I use to be able to sleep late.... But I did sleep late! I was able to sleep until 8:30 and it felt great! Lexi and I get up and found Claudia had gotten up and turned on her TV and was watching cartoons and laying on her couch in the play room (i.e. guest bedroom). She turned 4 this past weekend and this year has seen such growth. She went from potty training and pull ups at night to completely using the potty with no assistance... except the occasional 'come and wipe me' and no accidents in bed. She went from wanting us to cloth her to clothing herself and having her own rudimentary sense of style. She now remarks whether she wants to wear certain clothes ...

_____ RESOURCES: Where did the HUMAN go?

We are doing it again! Our office is going through another exhaustive implementation of yet another computer system. On board this year we have several computer system projects in our que lined up for implementation. By the end of 2012 we will be more streamlined, more efficient, and more effective. I am all for technology making our processes and procedures better so don't think that I am knocking the usage of technology. What I am saying is that in the process of becoming 'MORE' we have diminished what it means to be in Human Resources. Now a person can go from an applicant to an employee without stepping foot into the Human Resources Office. In our effort to make processes more open we have literally in many cases closed off the Human Resources office from view. The only reason many see for coming in Human Resources is negative in nature. They need to file a claim of some sort or they have some documentation that must be hand delivered for an action to occur. I am a huge...